In-game language problem!

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv Rest' wurde von Clickbait gestartet, 4 Februar 2017.

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  1. Clickbait

    Clickbait User

    Hello everyone, for some reason half my text in the game is in german and half is in english. For the record- I don't understand any german at all.


    Look some words like 'hangar', 'clan', 'upgrades', are in english but 'gutscheine'??, 'auktion'?? are in german?!

  2. Gamma

    Gamma User

    You have changed the language of the Account Center (!), not the game itself. "Hangar" and "Clan" are used in German, too.
  3. You are on a germany server! Since it is nevertheless understandable that this is also in German output! You can not change this language! Please play on a server that corresponds to your language!

    The server you can easily change here!
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 4 Februar 2017
  4. german server german language
  5. Clickbait

    Clickbait User


    Is GE1 a german server? :mad:
  6. Sabi~

    Sabi~ User

    put this at the end of the URL, press enter and you should be fine

    @andere: Wenn ihr keine Ahnung habe, dann schreibt doch bitte auch nicht. Bei mir gab es auch schon paar mal den fall das meine sprache plötzlich englisch war.
    *ZΛΉПFΣΣ* und Clickbait gefällt dies.
  7. Börlin

    Börlin User

    do you try to write the support ?
    Clickbait gefällt dies.
  8. Clickbait

    Clickbait User

    Wow thank you so much for your help! It worked & fixed my problem!

    I just tried what the guy above wrote and it worked!

Status des Themas:
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