Currency of each Country

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv Rest' wurde von |J|U|N|I|O|R_K|M|F| gestartet, 22 August 2020.

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  1. hello, I would like to know if it is not possible to change currency for each Country, because the currency of my country to buy Uridium is 6x higher due to the appreciation of the Dollar and so it is impossible to play that game. Would a change be possible or not? :)
  2. No, you can't change it

    Also this is the german board. Next time use the english one
  3. CA-Siran

    CA-Siran Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Ich close hiermit. Der User hat sicherlich das englische Forum schon gefunden.
Status des Themas:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.