Events aus dem englischen Forum

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv Rest' wurde von 742FIS-ZAPATA gestartet, 21 September 2014.

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Status des Themas:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.
  1. This is a thread where we use past data to predict when events will occur. It is important to note these predictions are nothing more than just predictions. We know the events are not completely random, however that doesn't mean they can't change.

    The important notes will contain why I have come the the prediction.
    The events include:

    • Upgrade hour
    • MHH
    • Double LF4 chance
    • Zeus day
    • Apis day
    • Kronos

    There will be a miscellaneous section for big events such as Hitac.
    All times are posted as server time. So if you play any GB or GE server for example the times will be in Western European server time; Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00)

    Upgrade Hour
    Next predicted: 19:00 - 20:00 --- 10/10/2014 or 17/10/2014

    Important notes: The last 6 upgrade hours have all been on a Friday at 19:00 - 20:00 server time.

    Next Predicted: Every Sunday & last Wednesday of the month 19:00 - 20:00

    Important notes: MHH does occur occasionally on Wednesday alongside a 50% booster. So if you are planning to buy a booster wait until 19:00 server time before you buy to see if you can make the most of a MHH or not.

    Double LF4 chance
    Next Predicted: 05/10/2014

    Important notes: The last 11 LF4 days have been on either the first or last Sunday of the month (on rare occasion there will be 2 a month on the first and last).

    Next predicted: 03/10/2014

    Important notes: The last 20 Zeus days have always been on a Friday. The last 8 months have all had at least 2 Zeus days per month with a 2 week gap between the first and 2nd events of each month.

    Next predicted: 21/09/2014

    Important notes: The last 8 Apis days have always been on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

    Next predicted: 04/10/2014

    Important notes: The last 9 Kronos days have all been on the first Saturday of the month - there have been occasional times where there is no event during a month.

    • Start: 00:01 --- 26/09/14
    • End: 23:59 --- 12/10/14
    Important notes: Says so in the breaking news on test1.

    50% EP / Honour boosters: Every Wednesday, booster type alternates.

    JPA: Every 2nd Sunday of the month unless it is declared void, then there will be one on the 3rd Sunday as well.
  2. ja na und?
  3. FM-Race-Gummi

    FM-Race-Gummi Forum Moderator Team Darkorbit

    Es ist zwar grundsätzlich keine schlechte Idee den Eventplan aus dem englischen Forum zu kopieren und hier zu posten, allerdings besteht das Problem, dass dieser nicht zwingend so für uns gelten muss. Heißt: Es kann niemand garantieren, dass der Plan für unsere Instanzen tatsächlich stimmt.

    Daher sollte der Plan nur als eine Art Hilfe hergenommen werden.

    Da es aus diesem Grund nicht mehr viel zu sagen gibt und den Plan nun jeder lesen kann:

Status des Themas:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.