How i get ALOT x4 ammunition

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv Rest' wurde von Synalor gestartet, 31 Mai 2021.

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  1. Synalor

    Synalor User


    i whould like to Shoot with x4 but i dont know how people get Million of Millions x4 ammunition i mean i even see them Shooting all day with that. How can they nonstop the Amount of x4 Load up? I want to Play like That aswell but how?

    I am allready UFE / Full Prome Lv16 / Stucked up 5m+ Uridium .

    Please tell me how i keep my Uridium UP and gain x4 to Farm ever more and better

    Thanks for your Help? !
  2. FM-Runes

    FM-Runes Forum Moderator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Synalor if you seek for help please ensure you post requests on the right platform or translate it to the required platform language.
    I'll make an exception this time but the thread will be closed afterwards.
    • Galaxy Gate A,B,G serve a higher amount of x4 per Uridium, allthough it might be quite tedious.
    • Also make sure you have Premium (5% discount) and 25% discount for minimum loss of Uridium (sums up to 30% discount) due to the significant lower cost.
    • Only build gates on weekends (reduced costs for everyone)
    • Invest a lot of time
    Best regards!
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