Why is everything in Germany?

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Freundesuche' wurde von WarriorAngus gestartet, 6 Januar 2025.

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  1. Hi All,

    It has been a very long time I have been here. I gave up trying to help, make changes, or just talking to fellow gamers. I was put into the corner too may times so I stopped coming here.

    I can't read any of this. How to change it back to English.

    The main reason I'm writing is because all the tabs in Serverauswahl is activated. I tried to pick the ones I use and was force to start a new ship because it wasn't the one I thought. I don't want new ships/company. Now I have 2 I do not want or need. I have 4 ships and that is too much.

    Please drop the 2 first levels, and fix the server.

    This robot is a piece of work too.

    Thank you
  2. FM-RoyalRumble

    FM-RoyalRumble Forum Moderator Team Darkorbit Team Darkorbit


    please contact the support about it or write in the english forum about your problem. When you can't just pick another server (your server) from the server list (Serverauswahl), then you need to contact the support. I will close the topic here, because this is the german forum. Thanks for understanding.

    DrachenSee***ΞΟΞ gefällt dies.
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